Well, I have a few minutes here to type. Let's see what have I been up to.
Last night Coleen, Dan, and I went out to a bar. Yeah, I drank some and that's all I say about it. Let's just say I felt good. I was in need of a good break. I didn't actually go to bed until probably 3 am. Yet I woke up at 9:30 as good as new.
I've been working on homework and I've watched a movie while doing it. All from the new recliner we have. How did we get a recliner? Well, the neighbor downstairs is moving out. This is the only neighbor, I actually know besides the cable guy. He mentioned that they might be leaving stuff so we offered to take something.
Well, I guess I should get back to homework. I'll talk to ya'll laters.
blueberi posted at 12:48 PM
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So it has definitely been a long time since I last posted on here. I guess a lot has happened since the last time. I've been running around with my head cut off doing homework.
I am working on creating a process book of logos and anything else that I still have sketches of. I just had a mock interview at a design studio. It was very informative and it was actually fun plus it gave me an excuse to dress nice for a change.
For my ad design class, I am working on an ad campaign for makeup. It is working out pretty good, but it's not very exciting. We are beginning another ad campaign for a tool company this week. This is like the complete opposite of makeup, which is good. It is good to have variety in a portfolio.
Then for another class I am creating a corporate id manual. It will feature all the uses of the corporate logo and how to use it properly. The company I used for this project is an record company. It should be very cool when I'm done.
Then there is my class where I have to create an amusement park. I chose to create a waterpark with a pirate theme. I'm really stuggling with this class. I hope in the next few weeks it comes together. Right now it is not going well.
Then I have a sci fi class. I will be doing a presentation on the movie Donnie Darko, so I think I need to go watch it like 5 times and then I might understand it.
Last but not least is my web page scripting class with is a lot of review, but yet it uses up my time and I hate doing it.
Well, I should probably get going. Oh yeah my car died again yesterday on my way home from my interview. I let my car sit for about ten minutes and then it worked again just fine. I was so happy I got home.
Okay now I need to get some work done. Laters.
blueberi posted at 5:42 PM
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