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Thursday, January 27, 2005

I had a crazy dream the other day. I have no idea what brought it on. Anyway in the dream, I was going to school that actually consisted of more than one building; there were even resident halls.

Basically what happened was that it was ten o'clock and Kendra and me were trying to get into one of the male res. hall. For some reason we didn't think we could get in so we left. We had these awesome Vespas that we hopped on and rode off. We were really good at riding them we could jump them and spinning them. It was cool.

In the mist of all of this it was raining cats and dogs, (well not really cats and dogs just water). We saw a lot of people I knew and we followed them around. Somehow we just kept ending up at the same res. hall we were trying to get in. I think I have completely lost my mind. Losing my mind is nothing new. It seems to happen a lot. I'm sure I'll find my mind wondering around somewhere.

Do you think that being sick has anything to do with having weird dreams? Cause I wasn't feeling very good the night I had this dream. I had really difficult time falling asleep that night. Okay well, that will be all for now. Laters.

blueberi posted at 1:03 PM

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Monday, January 24, 2005

One of the pictures from the Keith Urban concert

blueberi posted at 8:56 PM

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Wow, I can't believe how fast January is going. It is almost over. Okay other than that amazingly obvious comment, I have nothing.

I went out Saturday, but it was kind of boring. At least I wasn't at home the whole night and I actually tired to have a life. Other than that not much is going on.

I decided that I should take on researching my disease. It is often refered to as Pseudotumor Cerebri or Idiopathic Intracrannial Hypertension. I thought that I might be able to find some helpful information about this condition, but I haven't found much.

I've read several stories from people who also have my problem. In most cases their conditions seem worse. I just hope I don't get worse. There is not much research on this disease, so I couldn't find much out.

On one site I found out that the pills I'm taking might cause an increase in Uric acid which can cause gout or kidney stones. Well, I think that when I went to the doctor that I might of had gout. I think that gout sounds like an old person problem, but it is just a build up of uric acid on a joint in the foot. Anyway, If the pills cause increased levels of uric acid then the gout is explained.

Well, my head kind of hurts and I'm tired, so that's it for me today. Sorry it wasn't more exciting this is just what was on my mind today. Laters.

blueberi posted at 8:34 PM

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Okay so right now I 'm just sitting here watching Keith Urban's "Days Go By" video for like the thousandth time and I can seem to look away from the tv. Amazingly I'm typeing this while not looking at the computer. Okay so it is over now. That's a good video.

Well, I'm going to post some of the pictures from the Keith Urban concert, but I have to work on them a little bit. Of course none of the pictures I took looked good, so all the pictures I will be posting Coleen took.

Oh yeah I almost forgot. The trunk of my car won't open so that kind of sucks. I can't get anything out of it or in to it. I guess I can't go on anymore shopping sprees.

On top of the trunk problems, I had issues with my rent this month. Aparrently they put in the computer that they got the money but forgot to withdraw it. So I hope that is the case cause they took the rent of my debit card today. I can only afford to be charged once.

Thats about it. I guess I'll write more later when I have something more interesting to say.

blueberi posted at 3:34 PM

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Sunday, January 09, 2005

As my break comes to an end and I look back at what I have accomplished, I realize that I have managed to do pretty much nothing. It is truly amazing home fast 3 weeks go by. Not only have I not touched my blog for over three weeks, but I have been within miles of most of my friends and have only see a few a couple of times and some not at all.

I don't want to make excuse, because it is my fault completely. I have become so lazy that I haven't been waking up until noon. I've been taking a shower and getting dressed around 2 and then before I know it I'm either planning what to cook for dinner or decided which of the 4 restaurants (okay there are a few more maybe there are 7 choices) to order from that night.

If anyone I didn't see is reading this. I didn't mean to ignore you; I'm just really good at wasting time. For those of you that did see me, I wanted to see everyone more. I just didn't get around to it. Besides you'll know I don't like telephones. I always feel like I'm interrupting people.

Anyway, I needed some relaxation time, which I got and I'm ready to start a new quarter of studying and projects.

Now since 2005 has begun, I will be starting my countdown to graduation and my 23rd birthday. From my calculations, I will be graduating on my birthday. I am going to have to sit down and count the days and I will frequently post how many days are remaining in the grand scheme of things.

One of my goals this year is to keep up with my blog more. I have decided that I need to sit down and write. Then I will post my writings later. The whole reason I started this crazy thing was to get out what I'm thinking, but most of the time I just don't feel like sitting and typing.

We all know that I never stop thinking. It is a curse, because I think so much and fast that I can't get any of my crazy thoughts out. I notice the problem a lot when I can't sleep. At the end of last quarter I was having dreams about my projects. I would go over and over the projects and find all of the errors. Of course by the time had the dreams it was too late. The projects had been mounted and ready to present.

Another thing I am planning on working on this year is my photo blog. I need to add some of my more recent work and a few other things. I think I need to pace myself with the photos. I seem to post a bunch of new stuff and then leave it for a long time.

Next thing I'm planning on doing is cut down on chocolate. I've managed to cut down on soda, so this year the chocolate needs to be cut down. This does not mean I will stop, just slow down. It is truly amazing how fast large bags of fun sized chocolate candy and M&M's disappear around me. I have basically replaced my soda drinking with water and I used to hate water. So I figure maybe I can replace chocolate with something healthier.

Something else I would like to work on is my photo skills, which I hope with improve with the class I am taking. I wanted to be able to take good and interesting photos. I wanted to be able to not care what people think when I have a camera. I always paranoid that people are staring at me and wondering why the heck I'm taking pictures of the things I'm taking pictures of.

Okay, so maybe I need to work on the paranoia. I need to realize that people are too busy to care what I'm doing. No one is watching me and thinking I'm a strange. And if they are thinking I'm strange I should take it as a compliment because I don't want to be like everyone else. I think far too much about myself and what people think of me.

I am no important enough that people even notice me and why should they notice me. I'm nothing special. Just an average person trying to get a degree to get a decent job, so I can pay off the debt that I didn't have when I started the whole process.

Then of course there is always the idea that I could use some self-confidence. I am okay around people I talk to everyday, but when I'm around people I don't know very well I don't know what to do. I almost think that I need to take some of those pills for people with social anxiety disorder. I don't think I would need the pills if I actually believed that I was smart and knew what I was doing.

Most days I think all I know is how to BS my way through life. Is that was everyone does?

Oh yeah, almost forgot, I one thing learned this break was that I really like the TV show, Monk. On New Years Day, there was a Monk marathon on the USA channel. It was the first time I ever saw the show. Twelve hours of Monk. I didn't actually catch all twelve hours, but almost and it was pretty funny, but it was smart although most of the out comes where rather crazy.

Well this is getting really long and I should probably go to bed. I hope everyone had a nice Holiday season. I did... I think... I can't remembe...Yeah I did, I got my camera and a Keith Urban t-shirt and I was able to sleep in my real bed for a while. Chow!

blueberi posted at 9:53 PM

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